Is it any surprise that I didn't do any blogging since the pandemic hit? Probably not.
That doesn't mean I've been inactive. In fact, I've done quite a few things, and I really need to catch up with it all over here.
The biggest new thing would be that I started a YouTube channel! It covers all of my costuming and material culture creating, not just SCA work, but I have been on a medieval kick lately, so that's what most of my recent videos have been on, and I have a few more planned for the near future that also fall under the SCA time period umbrella.
my SCA/medieval video playlist
I think my favorite of the videos I've posted for it so far, and what I was very excited to receive, is the video for my Award of Arms, which I received just about a year ago in August via Ethereal Court. And because it was presented virtually, I could just clip that part out of the full video and toss it up on my channel, along with the unboxing of my scroll once it was mailed to me!