Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Catching up

I can't even say I haven't been doing anything lately, because I have! I've just been bad about posting, but that's a tale as old as time, hmm? So here's a big photo dump of a couple recent projects, and then some navel gazing about plans and future projects.


I happen to live right down the street from Jomar, a store that I like to describe as the love child of a thrift store and a Ross, born into a warzone. It isn't just stuff that fell off the back of the truck, the truck then reversed and ran it over. BUT. And it's a big but, they do get mill end fabrics, and there can be some gems tucked in amongst the knits and poly dress prints. I picked up 16 yards of this lovely pale purple cotton twill for $2 a yard. It's most definitely not a bottomweight twill. It's very soft and drapey. So far I've made a basic kirtle from it, but I plan to make an overgown with wide sleeves, a hood, and possibly something else with it eventually. I want some layering options, basically.

I also made a D shaped veil out of some beautiful windowpaned linen, a wimple out of plain linen (which I didn't wear), and a pair of copper wire hairpins. I also wove a green silk headband on my inkle loom, and used an Applesies and Fox Noses pattern to tablet weave a belt.

This past Sunday was the Barony of Bhakail's Commons, and I dragged my husband along with me for that. And since he is my living Ken doll, I had to outfit him properly. I picked up some crazy linen on eBay for a tunic, and also made him a leather belt pouch and a bycocket. I also forgot to take a picture of him all done up until the end of the day, so he's a bit rumpled, but you can still see the full effect! He's also wearing my black ring belt, my Buckland Cross medallion, which was the site token from our investiture back in December, and a pair of ye-oldey pants I got on Wish for him.

And now for a bit of future plotting. I've loved printmaking since I was first introduced to it in high school. Albrecht Durer has long been one of my favorite artists, and when I was in Nuremberg in 2011 I went to visit his house, which is now a museum. The first time I participated in the SCA I even chose a German persona because of that. I still want to focus on printmaking now, and my current interest lies in gaming. I was just given two large applewood boards, and I already have plans for both. One will be a deck of German-suited miniature cards, the other will be the Game of Goose. Well, some of it will be the Game of Goose. I don't know yet what I'll do with the rest of that board. One of my barony members has already offered use of her printing presses for when I'm ready as well. I'm not sure which of this I'll work on first, but I'd like to try and get one of them carved and ready to be printed by the end of the year. We'll see how it goes!

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